Animated videos create highly engaging and interesting content to communicate with your current and prospective customers.

If you’ve seen an animated video online, chances are it was probably on the website of a start-up company. Start-ups (especially tech start-ups) love to use animated videos, but they can also be used by nearly every other type of business from local hairdressers to accounting firms.

In this article, we will discuss the six key reasons you should consider using animated videos as part of your marketing and communications strategy.

Let’s get started.

1. Consumers Love Video

First and foremost, consumers love video. Every day, billions of people consume millions of hours of video content online. This means that if you can communicate your core brand message and explain the benefits of your products and services in a short video, consumers will be far more likely to watch it than read thousands of words that might be required to get the same information across.

The beauty of video is that you’re only limited by your imagination or the imagination of the animated video production company you work with. You can use all sorts of innovative and creative ways to explain your brand that will be highly memorable to your customers. 

2. Animated Video Helps Explain Complex Information

An animated explainer video is a great way to explain complex information. This is because when you make animated videos, you have a whole set of tools at your disposal to explain information using pictures and other animated images. For many people, this will help them to learn about your brand and products and services quickly, moving them along the sales funnel much faster because they will have all of the information they require to make a purchasing decision.

For example, if you offer a web design service, you can quickly explain all of the benefits for businesses to do a website redesign. Even if the average customer doesn’t understand the technical side of your service, they will understand the benefits such as increased search rankings and higher average customer purchases, etc. This will result in higher sales conversions for your business. 

3. The Majority of People Love Animated Videos

Sometimes people believe that making animated videos for their company will make the company look unprofessional. This is not the case. Many people, young and old, love watching animated videos, making them the perfect video type if you appeal to a wide range of customer demographics.

Animated videos help to present your brand message creatively and interestingly, which makes them very memorable, creating brand awareness and positioning. Unlike other forms of video, you can use animated videos to tell stories that are engaging and interesting. Think of it as a mini-movie that takes the viewer on a journey whereby they discover all of the important aspects of your brand and products and services.

4. Animated Videos Can Be Updated

If your business makes changes to your brand messaging or products and services sold, it is hard to make changes to a video if it uses real-world/live-action images. On the other hand, animated videos are easy to change when required. It’s usually as simple as going into the video files and changing a few things around.

For example, let’s say you change the pricing of your product or the packaging of your product. An animated video is easily updated. It won’t require any reshoots or new scenes to be filmed. This is especially important for start-up businesses that change direction and strategies often.

5. Google Loves Video

It’s not just consumers who love video. Google does too. What we mean by this is that when deciding which website to rank high for certain keywords and phrases, one of the determining factors that Google uses is how long the average website visitor spends on a website. One of the best ways to increase this metric is to have a video as this can keep website visitors on your website and engaged for a good amount of time.

This not only helps to increase sales but even if the visitor doesn’t convert into a customer, you will get the benefit of higher search rankings, which over time will bring in even more customers.

6. They Reduce Customer Service Costs

Animated explainer videos are a great way to explain to your customer’s how to use your product or service. For example, if you provide a software-as-a-service (SaaS) product for businesses to manage their sales pipeline, you can produce a series of animated videos that take the customer through actions such as “how to set up your account,” “how to migrate from other platforms,” and “how to use our new export feature.”

By answering customer questions through video, you will reduce the amount of money you must spend on customer service and will provide a much better user experience for your customers too.

The Bottom Line

Animated videos are a great way to communicate and market your brand and products and services to your prospective and current customers. They are loved by consumers, help you explain complex information, are engaging, can easily be updated, help boost your search rankings, and help reduce your costs. For these and other reasons, animated videos are a great investment.