Animated marketing videos are a great way to communicate important information about your product or service to potential customers.

Research carried out by BrightCove found that 76% of consumers have purchased a product after watching a product video.

When it comes to video, you only have a short amount of time to capture the attention of the viewer and then entice them to make a purchase. This requires producing high-quality videos that tell engaging stories. 

In this article, we will discuss how you can go about using animated explainer videos to boost conversion rates.

1. Hire a Video Production Company

The first step is to find a world-class animated video production company to work with. When working with a specialist animated video company, they will have experience in producing high-quality videos that have received measurable results. 

The good news is that you can work with numerous companies all over the world. You don’t need to be in the same city as them as all of the work can be done online.

Here are a few tips for working with a video production company.

  • Make sure you work closely with them to create a brief that outlines what you want your video to achieve and the style/tone you want your video to convey to customers who view it.
  • Make sure that they have a professional scriptwriter who can write a script that supports the animated imagery used in the video. Good video scripts tell a compelling story that engages the audience.
  • Check that they have produced videos with high-quality illustrations and animation for other clients.
  • Finally, make sure they will use a professional voice-over artist for your video. A good voice-over artist will ensure your video is professional and engaging.

2. Tell a Compelling Story

Once you have found a great animated video production company to partner with, they will then produce your video. When working with them, there is one main focus—telling a compelling story.

When it comes to telling the story of a product or service, it’s best to focus on how the product or service can help solve problems that the customer may have. 

Here are some tips for how to tell a great story:

  • Understand your audience. One good way to do this is to create “buyer personas” so that you can think deeply about your audience and what they want to achieve by purchasing your product or service.
  • Try to build an emotional connection with the audience. One way to do this is to emphasize the customer’s problems, and then clearly state how your product or service will solve their problems for them.
  • Avoid too much voice-over in your video; you should have great graphics/animation that tells the story.
  • Follow the tried-and-true story format of having a beginning, middle, and end. The end of the story is how your product or service solves the customer’s problems.

3. Keep Your Video Short

The best-animated explainer videos are short and to the point. This is because consumers have short attention spans. When you make your video concise, you will be far more likely to get customers to view your video and then get a good percentage of them to make a purchase.

There isn’t a perfect length for a video, but aim to make it under two minutes in length if you want to optimize how many customers view it, engage with it, and share it. Two minutes is plenty of time to tell a compelling story!

4. Have a Call to Action

Great animated explainer videos don’t just tell a good story, they also make the viewer feel compelled to act. This could be to view more information about your product or services, request a sales call, sign up for your newsletter, or make a purchase.

The best way to make customers act is to have a strong call to action (CTA) at the end of your video. This could be something along the lines of “Buy today and enjoy a 20% discount on your first purchase” or “Request a call for a free no-obligation consultation,” etc.

5. Distribute Your Video

Once you’ve worked with your video production company to produce an amazing video, it’s time to get people to watch it. You can make the greatest animated explainer video ever, but if no one watches it, it might as well not exist.

Here are some tips to get your video viewed as frequently as possible:

  • If your explainer video is about your brand, put it on your homepage right at the top so every new website visitor can see it.
  • If you have a product explainer video, put them on the product page in a prominent position.
  • Pin your explainer video to the top of your social media accounts.
  • Upload your videos to video platforms like YouTube and TikTok (if appropriate).
  • Share your videos on your social media pages.

6. Measure the Results

Once your video is out in the market, make sure you measure its impact. This is quite easy to achieve through the built-in analytics tools that most video platforms offer. You can use the data you record to improve the performance of your video and make changes if necessary.

The Bottom Line

Overall, animated videos are a great way to boost your conversion rates. To get the most out of your videos, it’s a great idea to work with a professional video production company, tell a compelling story, make sure your video is the right length, has a strong call to action, is distributed well, and finally, you measure how it performs. If done well, your animated explainer video will boost conversions.