One of the best ways to position your brand in the markets you operate in is to create high-quality animated videos. They help to tell the story behind your brand, leaving a positive impression in the minds of your current and prospective customers. This is especially important when you are a new brand or if you want to revamp your brand messaging. 

Animated videos have become popular in recent years due to several factors. First, when deciding which websites to rank high, search engines like Google take into account how long someone stays on a particular website. Videos that last a few minutes will boost the amount of time a consumer stays on your website and will lead to higher search rankings.

Second, animated videos are a great way to tell your brand’s story in an informative and entertaining way. This helps you to break through the noise and get your brand noticed. Finally, animated videos are part of the larger trend of consumers watching more online videos.

Here’s how animated videos can help position your brand in the market and boost your brand awareness.

They Help Establish Your Brand

What we mean by this is animated brand videos help you to share the unique characteristics of your brand so that you can establish it in the markets you operate in. This is true for both completely new brands and those trying to revamp their existing brand.

When making an animated video to introduce your brand, you are essentially putting together a brief introduction to what your brand is all about and why the people watching the video (your customers) should care. Since you don’t need to use real-life actors and sets, you can be very imaginative and can create unique ways to tell your story and make it memorable. 

You also have full control over every aspect of your video, including the animation style, the colors, the voice-over script, and much more. This means you can better communicate the key messages about your brand and why prospective customers should care. 

For example, when you make a real-world video of your products, you can only show the products in a one-dimensional way whereas with animated videos you can show off the benefits and features in a much more dynamic way that really hammers home the benefits of your product.

They Help You Tell Your Unique Brand Story

The words “brand storytelling” are widely used in marketing circles—it can come across as a bit of a meaningless phrase without much substance. But the truth is research does show that people care about who is behind the brand and what the values of the brand are. Research by Accenture showed that 64% of consumers say they care about the values of the brands they are buying from. For this reason, making an animated video is a great way to showcase your brand story and the values of your brand. 

For example, you can use animated videos to explain the benefits of your product or service by creating an animated character who is a customer and then show them using your product or service and how it has positively affected their lives. This will resonate with prospective customers as they can relate to how the fictional character/customer has many of the same pain points that they have themselves.

When you tell a highly entertaining and engaging story about what your brand stands for and the benefits of your product or service you will make your company much more interesting and relatable to your prospective customers. When done well, animated videos can tell very compelling stories that will make the viewer want to watch until the end and then take action to find out even more about your brand and/or products and services.

They are Easy to Share and Be Shared

Animated videos also help to boost your brand awareness as they are easily distributed and can easily be shared when the viewer finds them interesting. One of the biggest factors driving the increase in video content created by brands is that more and more consumers are not watching traditional television, so investing in advertising is no longer the best way to engage with your target customers. Instead, brands are investing in producing their own content that can be shared on their website, through social networks, and on large video platforms like YouTube.

When you post new video content, it can also be easily shared by consumers with their friends, co-workers, and family if they find it entertaining and informative. This means that after the initial investment in producing high-quality content you will start to see a good return on investment from it since it is shared organically. This can drastically reduce your marketing budget—as long as your video content is good.

The Bottom Line

Animated videos are great for brand positioning. They allow you to position your brand in the markets you operate in and tell the unique stories behind your brand and products and services. When you produce interesting and informative animated videos, they can be distributed quickly and widely shared, which over time boosts your organic marketing efforts and reduces your marketing budget. For these reasons, animated videos are a great investment for businesses of all sizes to make.