Animated videos have become a popular way for businesses of all sizes to communicate and market their brand, products, and services.

Animated videos use animated graphics, music, and voice-over audio to tell a story or explain complicated information to customers in an easy-to-understand way.

In this article, we will discuss why animated explainer videos are so popular and then give you some useful advice on how to create your own animated video that will get great results.

Let’s start by explaining why they are so popular.

4 Reasons Why Animated Explainer Videos are Popular

1. They Explain Complicated Ideas

First of all, animated explainer videos are a good way to break down and explain complicated ideas and concepts about your product or service. For example, if you sell a software product that helps businesses keep track of their budget, you can show using animation how the product works and how it benefits the customer. Also, humans can process visual information much better than reading text, so your customers will better understand the benefits of your products.

2. They Can Go Viral

When made to a high standard, your animated explainer video can be shared by a lot of your customers and go viral. This makes them a very cost-effective marketing medium. You just have to be prepared to invest in the production of a high-quality video and then spend some money to promote it.

3. They Are Engaging

Due to the use of graphics and animated images, animated explainer videos are very engaging. Customers can watch an animated explainer video and be informed and entertained at the same time—hopefully leading to them making a purchase after watching the video. Explainer videos also use music and voice-overs to supplement the images, which can make them even more engaging.

4. Every Business Can Use Them

While animated explainer videos are most often seen on tech start-up websites, they can be used by any type of business. For example, a local mechanic could create an animated video to explain how their car servicing/tune-up service works, or a financial advisor could make a video that explains how their financial advice services work and how they help the customer make better financial decisions.

5. They Tell a Story

Animated explainer videos are a great way to tell a compelling story about your brand and products and services. Everybody loves a good story, and animated explainer videos are one of the best ways to tell one. 

What Makes an Animated Video Good?

The most successful animated explainer videos have a few characteristics in common, including:

  • They Are Short. Consumers have short attention spans, so it’s important to keep your animated explainer videos short and to the point. There is no perfect length but aim to make your video between 30 seconds and 2 minutes.
  • They Take the Viewer on a Journey. This means that the video has a beginning, middle, and end. For example, it could start by stating problems people have, then explain how those problems adversely affect the customer, and then finish with how your company’s products or services solve those problems and make the customer’s life better. The customer can go on a journey when watching your video that ends with them knowing why they should buy your products or services.
  • They’re Entertaining. Great animated explainer videos hold the attention of the viewer through the clever use of animated images, music, and a voice-over that entertainingly explains the images. If you can make your videos entertaining, they will be watched more which will result in higher sales over time.
  • It Markets Your Brand. An explainer video is a perfect opportunity to explain your brand story. This can be done by explaining all of the different characteristics of your brand so that viewers remember your brand for the long term even if they don’t make a purchase there and then. For example, your video could be about explaining a new feature of your software product; when explaining the feature, you can emphasize various brand characteristics like “ease of use,” “beautiful design,” etc.
  • It Has a Call to Action. After taking the customer through a journey and explaining the benefits of your brand and products and services, your animated explainer video must have a call to action at the end. For example, you could end your video with an offer such as “10% off your first purchase” or you could ask the customer to sign up for your email newsletter. 

The Bottom Line

Animated videos are popular for several reasons, including helping to break down and explain complicated ideas, they can go viral and spread organically, they engage customers, every business can use them, and they help tell the story of your brand.

To get these benefits, make sure to produce a high-quality animated explainer video. This can be achieved by making sure they are the correct length, they take the viewer on a journey, they are entertaining, they market your brand, and they include a call to action. If done well, you will get great results from your animated explainer video!